Gorenje JC400E Odšťavňovač 735642

Počet stupňů výkonu: 2, Jednoduché čištění
Double layer filter
Special patent for extra juicing
Increase your juicing efficiency by putting fruits and vegetables through specially designed filter. Fruit is whirled against the grate, shredding it, and releasing the juice. The pulp which stays, goes through yet another grate and mesh and is then released to the separate basket.

Safety lock
Worry about nothing, except taste
The juicer will only operate when all parts are correctly assembled and in place. The safety switch ensures safe use without concern about motor starting up while you are adding ingredients, assembling or cleaning the appliance.

Drip stop
No worries
Specially designed juice spout can be set in two positions. When open, the spout allows free flow of fresh juice into the supplied container (0.6l) or directly into a glass. When closed, there will be no dripping.
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